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Sarah Moon

Email Marketing Systems: MailChimp, ConvertKit & ActiveCampaign

In my work, I have the opportunity to work with a lot–and I mean, A LOT–of email marketing programs. In the last month alone, I’ve tinkered with MailChimp, ConvertKit, ActiveCampaign, Emma and Constant Contact

What have I learned? 

Well, in a lot of ways, they’re all the same–and totally different.

Annoying, right? 

I’m a MailChimp girl myself–I’ve used it a long time, it plays nicely with the platforms I use most (Squarespace and Shopify) and I just know it. I am confident designing for MailChimp and have mastered the automation nuances of that platform. 

With that said, The Chimp is not the be all and end all of email marketing. In fact, nothing is. (I know, annoying, right?)

Because I’ve been around the block a time or two, I thought I’d do a bit of a candid brain dump for you folks who are thinking about email marketing and your platform specifically. 

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Sarah Moon

Planning Your Portfolio Website: 3 Fool-Proof Website Outlines to Use Right Now

When Kath and I first started thinking about launching Design in a Day, I looked back at my notes from the portfolio website class I taught at PNCA for many years. I had a handful of “cheat sheets” to help students who were stuck figuring out their site’s structure. 

Digging these back out, I found three that my students referred to over and over again. 

#1 Just the Work, Please

I love this all-business approach to websites for creative folks. With this outline, we put the work at the center of the site, using it as the key visual on the homepage. Here’s what this site outline, sweet and simple, looks like:

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Sarah Moon

4 Tips for Creating a Successful Portfolio Website

I do a lot of work with artists, writers and other creative folk who need a professional website to showcase their work. For a lot of people, this is the first time they’ve really sat down and thought through how to present their “brand.” (I’m not a fan of referral to humans as “brands,” but you get my drift here.)

There’s a lot to think about and since I have taught who knows how many students in my online portfolio class, trained loads of DIYers and created Squarespace portfolios for many artists, I’ve learned a lot about the dos and don’ts of creating a professional web portfolio. 

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Build a Brand Bridge
Sarah Moon

A New, Dramatic Look for Burton Snowboard’s Chill Foundation

The Chill Foundation, the non-profit foundation started by Burton Snowboards’ founders Jake and Donna Carpenter, is an amazing organization. They have locations all over the country and engage at-risk youth in leadership activities through boardsports, including snowboarding, skateboarding, stand-up paddle-boarding and surfing. 

Ages ago, I worked for the City of Portland, and one of my projects was public relations and promotion of the city’s skatepark project (which Portland has, sadly, let go by the wayside). This was one of the most gratifying projects I worked on during my time in the public sector, so it was awesome getting back to a subject I’d been passionate about so long ago. (Fun fact: my last day on the job at the City, then Mayor Tom Potter invited me to join him in cutting the ribbon for a new skatepark and I may have cried a little at that generosity.)

Chill had a nice Wordpress based website but it didn’t have the storytelling vibe that they needed. It wasn’t edgy or boundary-pushing. It worked, it looked nice, but it didn’t match their work. My team and I were excited to re-envision what could be, complete with a fab hero video (created by Vitae Sessions), vibrant colors, some edgy-feeling iconography, an interactive map and an awesome infographic created by my frequent graphic design collaborator, Ashli Hughes of Cascade Creative PDX.

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