How Spark Sessions Helped Nequosha Surface the Brilliance Within

Welcome to Thought Leader Stories

This series highlights the incredible stories of ambitious changemakers, experts, and thought leaders. Read on to explore how we helped them transform their business and amplify their impact—on their own terms.

As told to and written by copywriter, Nailah King of The Content Witches.

Meet Nequosha

Nequosha Anderson, ESQ (she/her) is the founder and managing attorney of Anderson Law PLLC, specializing in business and intellectual property services. After the start of the pandemic, she reinstated her practice. Nequosha was ready to be more intentional about her marketing strategy and shift her content to make sure it landed with the right fit audience.

On a Conscious Mission

Long before working with Sarah, after witnessing how her father was exploited by corporate interests, what initially made Nequosha want to become a lawyer, she has since made it her mission to help people protect their intellectual assets and property.

After two stints within the government and with the onset of the pandemic, Nequosha took the time to reevaluate and ultimately decided that the government was not serving her talents and was a drain on her energetics and quite literally making her sick.

Deciding to put her well-being first, Nequosha returned to her practice and started offering online legal services in the late spring of 2021.

“Spark Sessions is the best place to start when you've been hitting your hands on the flint and you keep getting things, but nothing is taking traction. You're over there shivering, but you know, you may get a little spark here and there, get a little heat, but Sarah's able to put you in an environment to where the heat can be an ember that lasts.”

— Nequosha Anderson, Anderson Law Firm

All Content, No Strategy

Though excited to return to her practice, Nequosha had yet to develop a real marketing strategy. Over time, she became a go-to expert thanks to delivering exceptional client service and through word-of-mouth referrals from past clients who loved working with her.

Still, Nequosha knew to create a consistent and sustainable flow of clients, it was time to become more intentional about her marketing, so she incorporated social media marketing and soon gained a lot of traction. But the day-to-day grind of social media would quickly prove draining, and she hired an external team to take over.

By the end of 2022, Nequosha’s content needed direction, and she needed to change course.

It was either making content for people in the beginning [stages]. And not making enough content for the people in the beginning [at a] higher level. But [the] client avatar that lit me up was at the higher level, but yet everyone kept telling me, you need to have this educational content. And so my brain went to basics, but that’s not what I needed to do. I need to answer questions for my higher-level client.

The Right Space to Emerge

Nequosha had brilliant ideas but needed help shaping and developing them. But she’d already turned to other professionals before who collected their checks and failed.Their way of working was rigid, inflexible, and unequipped for working with the changing world of online business.

If you are in the virtual space, it’s a little different than other marketing strategies. And you have to be able to be flexible and bend to adapt because we’re using a tool that changes faster than the speed of sound on Al Gore’s internet.

By 2023, after connecting with folks who’d worked with Sarah, she knew Sarah was the right person to help her create an effective marketing strategy so she could launch to her right-fit clients successfully.

The flexibility of Spark Sessions was one of the most essential features for Nequosha. Sarah was willing to work with her where she was at and amplify her efforts. Nequosha loved that each session built on the next.

“And Sarah, coming from an educational background, she has leveraged that ability to know in her assessment phase how to give the information in small bites to where they are truly effective. So once I learned that about her, I knew that I was going to get what I needed. Sarah was going to give me the core of why this core is important and then how to implement this core strategy.”

— Nequosha Anderson, Attorney & Business Strategist

Building Marketing Strategies That Last

Following her work with Sarah, Nequosha left with a whole new direction to help her continue creating content that best serves her audience and business. She’s gained a greater understanding of her content, what drives her audience, and, by extension, her offerings.

As for the future, Nequosha has big plans, to which she credits some of her most significant breakthroughs have come from her conversations with Sarah. She’s working on an exciting and new digital product and is focused on strengthening her marketing and further establishing herself as a thought leader.

Thank you, Nequosha, for sharing your story! We can’t wait to see what’s next for you.

Sarah Moon has a way of bringing out in you the thing that has always been in your head, but you never probably didn’t have the words to verbally express. She has a way of framing it in a way that you go, yes, that’s what I’ve been trying to say.

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